  Summary - Dan_N_GameZ Picture/Text
Name: Dan_N
Posts: 421 (0.318 per day)
Position: Member
Date Registered: 03 Jul 2006, 10:08
Last Active: 25 Oct 2007, 06:16

Email: hidden
Website: Hollow Studios Download Pit
Current Status: Offline

My games:I've worked on the following:
Update Quest
Almost everything.
Red Dwarf Demo
Adaptation, Design, Scripting, Graphics
Comrade Citizen Part 1

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Local Time: 15 Feb 2010, 09:17


Wasting time since '91.
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2006-08-02 19:23
Scripting - I'm not that advanced with AGS, but I'm a basic programmer, so I feel at home in the script editor. I also like to give a good search to the manual. I can put together your art, music, sound effects, voices in AGS if you don't feel like hassling with that.
Story design - I'm striving to be a an amateur writer, and I usually scribble entire pages in class. I'm quite fond of science fiction, but I think I can do some fantasy too.
Translating - From Romanian to English and viceversa. Come on... Anyone? I guess it's useless...

Please PM here or e-mail me at danngames@gmail.com.